Some collections in Section Anomali from California and the Pacific Northwest

The cluster of species around Cortinarius anomalus is fairly rich in the Pacific Northwest and Calfiornia. Often there is a great temptation to start applying European names indiscriminately. At the same time the European concepts in this Section appear somewhat unsettled and are not very well supported by available molecular data. Names like azureus, azureovelatus, caninus, come to mind when looking at the North American material, but they do not fit quite that well. .

6.5-7 x 5.3-6µ     
GROUP I   11475  California: Sierra Nevada

Spores: 5.5-7x4.4-5.8μ


GROUP II   PNW    Cols: 21641 & 2171721641   Sub-Section Azurei

Spores: 6.3-7.5 x 5.7-6.0µ 

GROUP III   Oregon & California   Spores: subglobose: 6-7 x 5-6µ

GROUP IV   California   Spores: subglobose: 6-7 x 5-6µ


GROUP V   California   Spores: subglobose: 6-7 x 5-6µ    Live Oak & Douglas Fir

Spores: 6.5-7x4.8-6µ