Cortinarius callimorphus  Bojantchev & R.M. Davis                      Collections: California

Cortinarius callimorphus is very common under Sitka spruce in Northern California, particularly in the Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties. I have never seen it south of Mendocino. Its distribution within the range of Sitka spruce appears to be limited to northern California and southern Oregon, where we have collected it once. There are no matching records from Washington and British Columbia.

Cortinarius callimorphus a) Basidiospores (DBB25774 *holotype) b) Cuticle structure (DBB25774)
Cortinarius callimorphus a) Elongated, septate cells on lamellar edge b) 5%KOH reaction on pileus surface and stipe context c) Corrugated pileus surface near the margin