This is a small, yellow veiled
Telamonia associated mainly with Populus sp. During rainy spells
it can fruit in vast numbers, up to of several hundred fruitbodies in
a small sector. It appears to be an introduced species with European
poplars, which are widely planted in Calfiornia.
Molecularly this collection is the
same as a European collection from Tubingen, but differs from other European
collections by Lindstrom et al. Clearly, there is still a nomenclatural
debate as to what exactly is Cortinarius saniosus. |
Odor: weak, occasionally present
-- between
fishy (~Inocybe calamistrata) to similar to Lepiota cristata |
Under planted Populus sp. Hercules,
California USA |

Macrochemical: KOH 5% |
Spores 8-9 x 4.8-5.5µ |

Some roundish cells on the gill edge (rarely) |
Pileipellis & Epicutis
Thin epicutis, hypodermium of more swollen cells. |
Slight encrustations on the hyphal walls. |