Cortinarius vanduzerensis A.H. Sm. & Trappe (1972)                    Collections: Pacific Northwest

This distinctive Myxacium is a staple of the coastal forests along the Pacific Northwest. It is most common under Hemlock, but occurs under Douglas Fir too. It is also the most recognizable member of Genus  Cortinarius in Northern California and for many people the only species they can name. The beautifully colored bluish stalk and and exceedingly slimy appearance in wet weather have given many people something to talk about at post foray id events. As a member of Section Defibulati there is a certain affinity to Cortinarius elatior and that name had been applied for many years.

Spores: 11-13.5X7-8µ

Clampless septa on the pileipellis

The cap pales out in dry weather.
