Cortinarius xanthodryophilus Bojantchev & R.M. Davis                    Collections: California

Collection DBB26491
Cortinarius xanthodryophilus is a commonly encountered species under Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) in California. In the Sierra Nevada foothills we have collected it under Interior Live Oak (Q. wislizenii) and Canyon Live Oak (Q. chrysolepis). In Mendocino Co. it was collected under Tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus). Based on a molecular data match there is a collection (Genbank DQ974721) under Blue Oak (Q. douglasii) in the Central Valley. There is also a collection (Genbank GQ159771) from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, under Garry Oak (Q. garryana). Here is a link to the formal description: Bojantchev D, Davis RM. 2011. Cortinarius xanthodryophilus sp. nov. — a common Phlegmacium under oaks in California. Mycotaxon 116: 317–328. doi: 10.5248/116.317  

Collection DBB40412 San Francisco Watershed

Collection DBB26451 (*holotype, UC1860808) -- this collection shows
the infrequent strong bluish tinges on the context.

Collection DBB11176  Huddart Park, San Mateo, Calfiornia
Collection DBB27933 Casper/Mendocino under Tanoak
Colection DBB28181

Collection DBB27933 Casper/Mendocino under Tanoak

Collection DBB26128

Collection DBB29113 Huddart Park, San Mateo, Calfiornia

KOH Reaction

Spores: (9.5) 10–12 (13) x (5) 5.5–7 (7.5) µm

Gelatinous cuticle