Alaska in July

(July 21-22, 2007)

The rainy season hadn't started yet and soil was quite dry.  August is described as the best mushroom month in Alaska. Based on what I saw in the dry period, I can imagine what some rain could do to the fungal flora up there. For some sightseeing photos, click here...

Leccinum alaskanum     Under Paper Birch (Betula papylifera)

Spores:   a few spores show dextrinoid reaction.

Amanita sp.    This one is in Subgenus Amanita (spores J-). The spore shape/size suggests the A. muscaria clade. A. muscaria v. guessowii is probably as good a guess as one can give, but the Westward distribution of this species is rather unclear... I suspect this is something for Rod Tulloss to look at. The stem is somewhat rooting. Found in a grove of Betula papylifera with a single Tsuga mertensiana in the middle. Saved the material in my herbarium.
Spores: 9-11.2x6.7-8.2μ, inamyloid

Russula aeruginea    Abundant under Birch.

Fomes fomentarius   ("The Tinder Polypore")  Abundant on Betula papylifera. This is one of the most useful polypores --  extensively used in antiquity to catch a spark and start a fires. This one and the one below were carried by the Iceman that was found in the Alps recently. More on that here...
Tramal generative hyphae (like encrusted):

Piptoporus betulinus    Super abundant on Paper Birch -- this and the one above were carried by the Iceman that was found in the Alps recently. Even more on that here...

Phellinus hartigii  Frequent on Tsuga and Picea.

Phellinus igniarius

Cortinarius ionophyllus. The same odor as Tricholoma saponaceum.

Spores: 9-10.5x6-6.5, strongly verrucose

Flammulina velutipes

Inocybe sp.

Galerina paludosa 
One of the "classic" Galerinas. More on that here...

Since so much of Alaska is just plain moss fields, the number of Galerina would probably be spectacular during a wet season.

Spores: 9-11.2 x 7.2 x 8.2µ 
Cortinarius sp.     My enthusiasm is starting to shrink at the sight of yet another small Telamonia when a few scans through all my available literature do not produce any attractive id options...  

Laccaria laccata v. pallidifolia

Spores: globose 7-8.2µ     Basidia 4 spored

Laccaria montana

Spores: 10-12x9.2-10.5μ (mostly subglobose)        Basidia: 4 spored, clamped

Coprinus sp.

Spores: 7.5-10-4.5-5.3μ   

Nolanea holoconiota

Lactarius sp. Something in the Dapetes section. Didn't bother to collect.

Rhodocollybia maculata