Jul 4-7, 2009: Missouri, S. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio                Boletes

Amanita  -- names provisional pending deeper study...                                                                       NSIW  = Not Seen In The West

Amanita abrupta   NSIW 

Amanita flavorubens           NSIW 

Amanita multisquamosa NSIW 

Amanita fulva sensu auct. amer.  *Id help from Tulloss

Amanita banningiana Tulloss nom. prov.   (looks like it)  NSIW

Amanita flavoconia in countless forms -- exceptionally abundant. This pretty species doesn't graces the Western USA.       NSIW 

Amanita sp..     Vaginatae

Amanita sp..     Vaginatae

Amanita parcivolvata   
*Id help from Rod Tulloss     NSIW  

Amanita brunnescens  (or thereabouts)   NSIW 

Amanita amerirubescens Tulloss nom. prov.  On the surface I can't distinguish it from the European A. rubescens...     NSIW 

Amanita bisporigera      NSIW 

Amanita sp.    (not collected)         Jul 4-7, 2009: Missouri, S. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio                      Boletes